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97. Redundant prepositions Empty 97. Redundant prepositions

Wed Feb 08, 2023 2:30 pm
Do not use redundant prepositions, such as "off of," "in back of," "inside of," and "at about." Change: The client arrived at about 4:00 p.m. To: The client arrived at 4:00 p.m. omit unnecessary prepositions. Avoid redundant expressions like the ones below.
The italicized words should be omitted:
beat up
except for
keep on
sit down
calm him down
exchange back
later on
stand up
clean up
fall down
lie down
start off
climb up
fall over
lift up
start out
close up
finish up
meet up with
stir up
come over to
help out
off of
topple down
continue on
hurry up
open up
tumble down
dressed up as
inside of
out of (the door)
up until
escape from
jump up
return back
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