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113. Much vs Many Empty 113. Much vs Many

Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:20 pm
Much and Many are used to express that there is a large quantity of something.

Much and Many are used in negative sentences and questions. Many is used with countable nouns Much is used with uncountable nouns.

I don't have many CD's in my collection. (Countable noun)
They don't have much money to buy a present. (Uncountable noun)
How many brothers do you have? (Countable noun)
Is there much milk in the fridge? (Uncountable noun)
Note: we don't use Much and Many in positive sentences, we use a lot of or lots of.
NOTE: "Many" is correct in affirmative sentences such as: "There are many cars on the road" and "the library has many books."
Using "many" in affirmative sentences like these, however, is not conversational. It is perfectly correct, but quite formal and literary in style.
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