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53. Proofreading: What to check documents for Empty 53. Proofreading: What to check documents for

Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:16 pm
1. Capitalization: Check that all capitalized words are used correctly and consistently throughout the document.
2. Ending punctuation: Verify that sentences end with the appropriate punctuation marks (periods, question marks, or exclamation points).
3. Punctuation within sentences: Ensure that commas, semicolons, colons, and other punctuation marks are used correctly within sentences.
4. Spacing: Check for consistent spacing between words, sentences, paragraphs, and other elements of the document.
5. Dashes (dash, en dash, em dash): Review the use of dashes and ensure they are used correctly and consistently.
6. Page numbers: Confirm that page numbers are present, correctly formatted, and in sequential order.
7. Font style consistency: Check that the font style (e.g., bold, italics) is consistent throughout the document.
8. Font size consistency: Verify that the font size is consistent and appropriate for the different sections of the document.
9. Numbering and alphabetical sequence: Ensure that numbered lists, headings, and alphabetical sequences are correctly ordered and consistent.
10. Italicization (books, magazines, foreign words): Check for proper italicization of book titles, magazine titles, and foreign words or phrases.
11. Numbering system: Review the chosen numbering system (e.g., decimal, Roman numerals) and confirm its consistency and accuracy.
12. Quotation marks: Check for proper use of quotation marks for direct quotes, dialogue, and citations.
13. Indentation and spacing: Verify that indentation and spacing are consistent throughout the document, especially in paragraphs and lists.
14. Spelling: Check for correct spelling of words and ensure there are no typographical errors.
15. Grammar: Review the document for grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and sentence structure.
16. Style consistency (Chicago Manual): Ensure that the document follows the specific style guide or manual being used consistently.
17. Check for references (if accuracy is suspect; by default, this should be available): Verify the accuracy and correctness of references cited in the document, especially if there are doubts about their reliability.
18. Check for plagiarism (if suspect): Conduct a plagiarism check to ensure that the content is original and properly cited if necessary.
19. Consistency of tense: Check that the verb tenses used throughout the document are consistent and appropriate.
20. Subject-verb agreement: Verify that the subject and verb agree in number and are correctly matched.
21. Sentence structure and clarity: Review sentences for clarity, coherence, and appropriate structure to ensure they convey the intended meaning.
22. Parallelism: Check for parallel structure in lists, series, and comparisons, ensuring that similar items are phrased consistently.
23. Pronoun reference: Confirm that pronouns have clear antecedents and correctly refer to the intended noun or noun phrase.
24. Word choice and vocabulary: Verify that the words used are accurate, appropriate, and convey the desired meaning without redundancy or ambiguity.
25. Consistency of formatting: Check for consistent use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, numbering, and other formatting elements.
26. Overall organization and flow: Evaluate the logical progression of ideas and the overall structure of the document, ensuring coherence and organization.
27. Transitions: Verify effective use of transitional words and phrases to connect ideas and improve the flow between sentences and paragraphs.
28. Accuracy of facts and data: Fact-check specific information, statistics, or references to ensure accuracy and reliability.
29. In-text citations and references: Check that in-text citations and references are correctly formatted and consistent with the chosen citation style.
30. Cross-references: Ensure the accuracy and labeling of cross-references to other sections, tables, figures, or other referenced elements within the document. Verify that they are correctly linked and labeled.
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