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88. something makes me feel (emotion) Empty 88. something makes me feel (emotion)

Wed Feb 08, 2023 2:11 pm
We don't usually say something makes me feel (emotion). We don't say that new policy makes me feel angry; we say It angers me, or I feel angry about it, or it makes me angry or mad, but not it makes me feel angry. Keep in mind that there is much variation with various emotions about the most natural way to express it (one size doesn't fit all), but I can't think of an emotion that would most appropriately fit the phrase: it makes me feel (emotion). I think most of the time, you could just delete the word feel. We say falling from a bicycle is embarrassing, or maybe embarrassed me. We don't say it makes me feel embarrassed or even it makes me embarrassed. These emotion words sometimes have to be treated separately and individually.
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